Senior Research Fellow, Lung Group Lead
E: mariannew@nswcc.org.au
Marianne’s research interests are in modifiable risk factors for cancer such as tobacco and alcohol, and in cancer screening. Marianne leads our Lung Cancer Group which combines expertise in modelling, biostatistics, and epidemiology, and through these methodologies aims to optimise current and novel interventions for lung cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment. Marianne is a lead investigator for the 45 & Up Study, the largest ongoing study of healthy ageing in the Southern Hemisphere. Managed by the Sax Institute, the 45 and Up Study follows a quarter of a million Australians providing a world-class research resource that can be used to boost our understanding of local risk factors for cancer.
- Doctor of Philosophy, School of Psychology, UNSW
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons), The University of Sydney
Academic affiliations
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, The University of Sydney
- Rankin N, Stone E, Rhee J, Brims F, Kuan KP, Weber M. (2020-2022) Accelerating translation: Acceptability and feasibility of potential lung cancer screening implementation in Australian communities. NHMRC APP1185390
- Sitas F, Armstrong B, Banks E, Kricker A, Weber M, Pawlita M. (2010-2012) Infectious and lifestyle determinants of non-melanoma skin cancer. NHMRC 550001
Current student supervision
- Preston Ngo, PhD Candidate, The University of Sydney. Thesis: The costs and cost-effectiveness of targeted therapy and immunotherapy for the treatment of lung cancer in Australia.
- David Goldsbury, Statistician, The University of Sydney. Thesis: The costs of cancer in New South Wales, Australia
- Elvin Cheng, PhD Candidate, The University of Sydney. Thesis: Epidemiologic risk factors for lung cancer in never-smokers in Australia & China
Marianne is available to supervise postgraduate students enrolled at The University of Sydney.
Selected key publications
Weber, M, Yap S, Goldsbury D, Manners D, Tammemagi M, Marshall H, Brims F, McWilliams A, Fong K, Kang YJ, Caruana M, Banks E, Canfell K. Identifying high risk individuals for targeted lung cancer screening: Independent validation of the PLCOm2012 risk prediction tool. Int J Cancer. 2017 Jul 15;141(2):242-253.
Banks E, Joshy G, Weber M, Liu B, Grenfell R, Egger S, Paige E, Lopez AD, Sitas F, Beral V. Tobacco smoking and all-cause mortality in a large Australian cohort study: findings from a mature epidemic with current low smoking prevalence. BMC Med. 2015 Feb 24;13:38
Wade S, Weber M, Caruana M, Kang YJ, Marshall H, Manser R, Vinod S, Rankin N, Fong K, & Canfell K (2018). Estimating the cost-effectiveness of lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography for high-risk smokers in Australia. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 13(8), 1094-1105.
Lim KP, Marshall H, Tammemagi M, Brims F, McWilliams A, Stone E, Manse, R, Canfell K, Weber M, Connelly L, Bowman RV, Yang IA, Fogarty P, Mayo J, Yee J, Myers R, Atkar-Khattra S, Lam DCL, Rosell A, Berg CD, Fong KM, Lam S, & ILST Investigators (2020). Protocol and Rationale for the International Lung Screening Trial. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 17(4), 503-512.
Weber MF, Marshall H, Rankin N, Duffy S, Fong K, Dunlop K, Humphreys L, Cust A, Taylor NJ, & Mitchell G (2019). Cancer screening in Australia: future directions in melanoma, Lynch syndrome, and liver, lung and prostate cancers. Public Health Research & Practice, 29(2).
Sarich P, Canfell K, Banks E, Paige E, Egger S, Joshy G, Korda R, & Weber M (2019). A prospective study of health conditions related to alcohol consumption cessation among 97,852 drinkers aged 45 and over in Australia. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 43(4), 710-721
Weber MF, Smith DP, O’Connell DL, Patel MI, de Souza PL, Sitas F, Banks E. Risk factors for erectile dysfunction in a cohort of 108 477 Australian men. Med J Aust. 2013 Jul 22;199(2):107-11.
More publications by Dr Marianne Weber