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- Exercise for people living with cancer (with videos)
- What is exercise?
- The different types of exercise
The different types of exercise
Below we outline the different types of exercise and how they can benefit you.
Strength and resistance training |
Along with exercise, eating well is essential for health and wellbeing. See a dietitian and see Nutrition and cancer. You may also like to listen to our meditation and relaxation podcast.
→ READ MORE: Why you need exercise after a cancer diagnosis
Podcast: Meditation and Relaxation
Listen to more of our meditation and relaxation podcast for people affected by cancer
More resources
Kirsten Adlard, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, The University of Queensland, QLD; Dr Diana Adams, Medical Oncologist, Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre, NSW; Grace Butson, Senior Physiotherapist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, VIC; Kate Cox, 13 11 20 Consultant, Cancer Council SA; Wai Yin Chung, Consumer; Thomas Harris, Men’s Health Physiotherapist, QLD; Clare Hughes, Chair of Cancer Council’s Nutrition, Alcohol and Physical Activity Committee; Jen McKenzie, Level 1 Lymphoedema Physiotherapist, ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist, The McKenzie Clinic, QLD; Claudia Marck, Consumer; Dr David Mizrahi, Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Research Fellow, The Daffodil Centre at Cancer Council NSW and The University of Sydney, NSW; Prof Rob Newton, Professor of Exercise Medicine, Exercise Medicine Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, WA; Jason Sonneman, Consumer.
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