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- Arm & shoulder exercises after breast surgery
- Level one exercises
Level one exercises
These gentle exercises increase your ability to move your arm and shoulder and improve circulation.
Level one exercises can be done while lying on a bed or sitting in a chair. When you are not doing the exercises you may find it comfortable to rest your arm on a pillow.
Learn more about:
Tip: Gradually build up to doing each of these exercises 10 times 4 times a day.
Shoulder rolls

Lift your shoulder slowly up towards your ears and roll backwards.
Elbow stretch

Bend your elbow and touch your shoulder with your hand. Then straighten your elbow completely.
Wrist exercise

Support your elbow on a pillow. Keep your hand relaxed and your arm by your side, then bend your wrist back and forth.
Hand squeeze

Make a fist and squeeze slowly, and then gently open fingers out and relax.
→ READ MORE: Level two exercises
More resources
This information has been developed by Cancer Council NSW on behalf of all other state and territory Cancer Councils as part of a National Cancer Information Working Group initiative.
We thank the reviewers of this information: Jane Turner, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Sydney Survivorship Centre, Concord Hospital, NSW; Chris Jellies, Director, Domain Health, VIC; Marney Jury, Physiotherapist, Domain Health, VIC; Mary Shearer, The Breast and Endocrine Centre, Newcastle, NSW.
We would like to thank Cancer Council SA for kindly permitting its booklet Breast cancer surgery: information for women having breast cancer surgery to be used as source material for this resource, including the use of the exercise illustrations. Editors: Jenni Bruce, Jenny Mothoneos. Designer & Illustrator: Luisa Chisari.
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