Legal, Workplace and Financial Planning Referral Services

A cancer diagnosis may mean a loss of income, on top of many out-of-pocket costs that may not be covered by insurance. Our Legal, Workplace and Financial Planning Referral Services help people affected by cancer access free legal, workplace and financial assistance, where they would be otherwise unable to do so due to cost, illness or other barriers.

We do not provide advice directly. We connect people affected by cancer with a volunteer professional in the community who will provide advice and assistance. Usually, people will meet professionals at their office, however, assistance may be provided via video, phone and email where needed.

These services are available for patients in ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA & TAS. VIC and WA offer their own Legal Referral Service, please see their websites for more information.

The staff at the Cancer Council Pro Bono Service have been absolutely amazing. They're just so generous of their time. Martin, lung cancer patient

Legal Referral Service

Lawyers involved in the Legal Referral Service may be able to assist with:

  • Simple wills, powers of attorney and enduring guardianship documents;
  • superannuation and insurance disputes;
  • employment law and discrimination issues; and
  • credit and debt matters.

Financial planning Referral Service

Financial planners involved in the Financial Planning Referral Service may be able to assist you with:

  • accessing superannuation and insurance benefits
  • advice in relation to debt management
  • eligibility and accessing Centrelink payments
  • transitioning to retirement and managing lump sum payments.

Workplace Referral Service

HR professionals provide advice to people affected by cancer on employment issues and rights before, during and after treatment.

For people affected by cancer who are employed, HR professionals can provide information and advice on the following:

  • Disclosure of a cancer diagnosis and confidentiality obligations
  • Flexible working arrangements entitlements
  • Leave and payment of salary during sickness leave
  • Managing expectations of employers and colleagues
  • Discrimination at work

For people who would like to return to work following a cancer diagnosis or caring for a person affected by cancer, HR professionals can provide advice on the following:

  • Strategies when looking for work, including obligations to tell a new employer about past cancer
  • How to explain the gap in a CV due to your treatment when applying for a job
  • Preparing and reviewing a CV and interview techniques

Cancer Council will connect you with a lawyer, financial planner or HR/recruitment professional who will help you. Usually, you will meet them at their office, but if you are very unwell, they may be able to visit you in hospital or at home. If you speak a language other than English, we can arrange an interpreter for you.

Advice is free for eligible clients. The service is means tested so you will need to complete a financial eligibility assessment to determine if you qualify for free support.

To access this service please call 13 11 20.

Can you help us?

If you are a lawyer, financial planner or HR/recruitment professional and you would like to join our panel and support people affected by cancer, please contact our team on 1300 856 199 or

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