With National Volunteer Week fast approaching on 20-26 May 2024, we want to express our sincerest gratitude and thank our amazing volunteers that are making a difference for those affected by cancer.
Not only do our fundraisers and donors make the work we do possible, but so do our incredible volunteers.
Dennis and Jaynie (wearing Dennis’ name badge)
Volunteers like Dennis Simpson, who started volunteering with Cancer Council NSW more than 15 years ago. In that time, Dennis has volunteered across a wide range of areas, from manning the front desk at our Central Coast office every Wednesday, to building lasting relationships with some of our Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea (ABMT) VIP hosts.
We know that there are more people like Dennis out there, who would like to contribute or give back through volunteering, that’s why we want to answer the most common questions that we get asked when it comes to volunteering with us at Cancer Council NSW.
Here are 6 things to know about volunteering with us:
1. Who can volunteer?
People from all walks of life volunteer with us and with different motivations. Young people volunteer to gain the work experience and skills they need to help their early career development. Similarly other people volunteer after they have had a career break or change and are looking to re-fresh experience.
Many of our volunteers balance casual and part-time employment, while others are retired with a bit of spare time on their hands, looking to put their experience to good use. Other volunteers are in full-time work or study but find the time to volunteer at evening and weekend opportunities or have the support of their employer to be involved in short-term or one-off projects.
2. How much time do I have to give?
Cancer Council NSW has a range of volunteer roles requiring different amounts of time from 1-2 days per week, or one-off activities such as an event day role. To keep within Volunteering Australia’s national standards, volunteer roles do not exceed 16 hours per week.
3. What skills and experience do I need?
Many of our volunteer roles do not require you to have any experience or specialist skills, but they are highly valued. For example, if you would like to volunteer at one of our events or try your hand at fundraising, we will provide all the training and information you need to take on these roles. Most office based support roles require you to have good computer skills, and our donor and client facing roles require excellent customer service.
We develop position descriptions for all of our volunteer roles and the skills and experience required are always clearly outlined in our position advertisements, so please review the selection criteria to determine whether you have the required skills for the role.
4. What training will I be given?
We provide orientation and role specific training for regular volunteers who join our organisation. This includes, but is not limited to, training about the organisation, expectations of a volunteer and work health and safety awareness.
All volunteers within Cancer Council NSW have a staff member who they can go to for help and support. In many roles, more experienced volunteers will also be on hand to offer advice to new members of the team.
5. Where can I volunteer?
You could volunteer in one of our offices, or in community by supporting service delivery to cancer patients and our registered fundraising events, held in most major regional towns throughout NSW. Use our Cancer Council NSW office locator, to find your nearest point of contact.
We have a number of volunteer roles available throughout the year. Have a look at our latest opportunities to see if there are any roles available near you. There may also be some flexibility with certain volunteer roles that can be undertaken externally with work from home options.
6.I have a special skill to offer – can I volunteer too?
From time to time people come forward willing to offer their professional skills or expertise to our cause. In the past we have benefited from the pro bono help of web writers, lawyers, journalists, business analysts, dietitians, video producers, accountants, trainers and facilitators to name a few. Typically volunteer roles are based on a pre-identified need and we will advertise the position, however you can send an expression of interest to volunteervacancies@nswcc.org.au and we can consult internally to see if there is a future need for your specialty.
It’s together, with our volunteers, that we can ensure that people affected by cancer can access the assistance they need and when they need it the most.