men over 40 in NSW are 1.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with melanoma, than women the same age
new clubs joined Improve your long game this year
months of the year that Improve your long game ran in 2019/2020
Improve your long game is our free sun protection program in NSW golf clubs. In NSW, men over the age of 40 are 1.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with melanoma and 2.5 times more likely to die from melanoma than women of the same age. Improve your long game is a way to target this often difficult to reach group.
Our Improve your long game program started as a pilot in 2014/15 in just 12 golf clubs in the mid-north coast of NSW. After securing Cancer Institute NSW funding based on the pilot’s success, the program reach has increased each year. In 2019/20, we trialled a new approach to increase the reach of the program.
In 2019/20, the program was extended, running year-round due to the UV Index reaching dangerous levels most months of the year in NSW. During this time, the program grew from 110 clubs to 183 clubs. This included 82 new clubs, which were largely the result of a new partnership formed with Golf NSW who promoted the program at a series of golf road shows.