5 December 2015 marks International Volunteer Day.
Cancer Council NSW currently have over 2,300 regular volunteers and over 27,000 one-off volunteers and I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank every single one of you. At Cancer Council NSW, our mission is to work with and for the community to beat cancer, and volunteers help make this happen.
Volunteers are involved in every aspect of our work and give so much more than just their time. They provide admin and technical support at our offices; help organise and host many of our community events; work with us to rollout programs and services within local communities; and act as our on-the-ground advocates. Without their passion, knowledge and insight, we would not be able to work as efficiently or as broadly as we do.
Volunteers motivate us to work collaboratively and help us stay connected to the community. They inspire us to do our best work so that we can make a positive difference to the people and families affected by cancer.
Thank you once again for being a part of Cancer Council NSW and for everything that you do.