Other than a poorly timed redundancy, Tim couldn’t have asked for a better retirement – surrounded by family, friends, and a life chock full of fun.
As a passionate street and music photographer and lead vocalist with his band, Los Romeos Oxidados, Tim has always made a point of continuing his creative pursuits, which he says is “to maintain my sanity”.
However, after noticing symptoms he couldn’t explain, his easy-going retirement took a sharp turn.
He remembers, “I started experiencing a lot of pain in my backside, which was quite sharp and uncomfortable.”
When he finally got himself checked out, he was diagnosed with colorectal (bowel) cancer.
Delayed diagnosis after worsening symptoms
Tim first began noticing symptoms in 2022.
Meanwhile, his day-to-day life was exceedingly busier. He helped his eldest son move to and from Canberra for a graduate placement program; in between those big moves, Tim’s brother Tony, a former Director of the Australian Antarctic Division, passed away from aphasia that had progressed to dementia, at just 64 years old.
With no time to get seen by a doctor, Tim turned to Google in an attempt to self-diagnose, trying various suggested ‘treatments’, to relieve the symptoms of what he thought might be either Coeliacs or Crohns Disease, but to no avail.
“With all of these things happening in my life, I kept putting off seeing my doctor; you could say that life got in the way”, reveals Tim.
In early 2023, Tim finally saw his GP, who sent him for a colonoscopy where he discovered that he had colorectal cancer. Tim then got an MRI which revealed that the cancer had metastasised: He was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, an incurable but manageable prognosis.
Tim endured a five-week radiotherapy course (25 daily sessions), followed by five and a half months of chemotherapy, to slow the tumour’s growth. When his CEA markers returned to a normal range, his treatments were temporarily paused, but he resumed treatment again in late-January 2025.
“I am so thankful to the staff who have treated me in the oncology, palliative care and chemotherapy departments in the Rusty Priest Building at Concord Hospital. Their professionalism and level of care has been nothing less than exemplary; I just cannot thank them enough!”, Tim says.
“I would also like to encourage people to do the bowel cancer screening test they get in the mail. And if you experience any symptoms that seem unusual, please visit your GP immediately and don’t rely on Dr Google. I am very aware that if I had done these things, I perhaps would not have to go through what I’m currently going through”.
Tim’s upbeat attitude
Tim has adopted a unique attitude to his terminal stage 4 colorectal (bowel) diagnosis.
“From the moment I was first diagnosed, it didn’t have any effect on me mentally. I’m a pragmatist. I don’t see the point in getting too concerned or stressed, as that can only make it worse”, he says.
Tim experiences severe peripheral neuropathy in his hands, feet and legs – a condition that, among other things, affects his balance – which can occur as a side effect of chemotherapy. It has prevented Tim from continuing his love of photography. “The formerly easy act of lugging camera gear is now nigh on impossible, as I don’t have as much feeling in my hands, I’m no longer able to drive my car, and one hand is always taken up with a walking cane”, Tim says.
However, Tim takes his struggles in his stride, pivoting to graphic design, dabbling in AI abstracted art, and potentially self-publishing a book.
Tim’s cancer has put him and his partner through financial stress.
“We’re basically living on the breadline”, he says, sharing his personal experience with the overwhelming flood of resources that come with the onset of a cancer diagnosis.
Thankfully, Tim and his partner were made aware of the Centrelink Carer Payment, which helps them stay financially afloat. However, he wishes he was told about this resource sooner, as they previously survived only on his fairly meagre pension.
Now with the Carer Payment, they’re just about making ends meet; still, Tim shares that he would have to refuse any expensive out-of-pocket treatments or check-ups, such as an MRI, which costs far beyond their means.
Tim was also connected to a pro bono solicitor who helped with, “making my will, power of attorney, and some advice re setting up permission for voluntary euthanasia if required.”
Having experienced the financial impact of a cancer diagnosis, Tim wants to make sure others familiarise themselves with what support is available.
“I’m sure a lot of people just don’t realise what they’re eligible for, because getting healthy takes up most of your thought processes. But the support we’ve been able to get has helped us stay afloat financially”, says Tim.