中文 – Chinese resources

Explore our information in your language. Find out about different types of cancer, tests, treatments, cancer prevention and more.


Australian | 澳大利亚

  • Breast Cancer Network Australia – range of resources, including video in Traditional and Simplified Chinese. 一系列资源,包括繁体中文和简体中文视频。
  • Cancer Australia – up-to-date information about COVID-19 vaccines and cancer in Simplified and Traditional Chinese. 有关简体中文和繁体中文的 COVID-19 疫苗和癌症的最新信息。
  • Cancer Council Australia – information in Chinese on bowel screening, cervical screening, telehealth, and more. 有关肠道筛查、宫颈筛查、远程医疗等的中文信息。
  • Cancer Council Victoria – general information, including a glossary of over 700 cancer-related terms in Chinese, and fatigue and cancer. 一般信息,包括 700 多个与癌症相关的中文术语表,以及疲劳和癌症
  • Cancer Institute NSW – information in Simplified and Traditional Chinese on many types of cancer. 有关多种癌症的简体中文和繁体中文信息。
  • Cancer Institute NSW – I have cancer. Can I join a clinical trial? 我患有癌症…… 我可以选择临床试验吗? (Simplified Chinese)
  • Cancer Institute NSW – I have cancer. Can I join a clinical trial? 我患有癌症…… 我可以選擇臨床試驗嗎?(Traditional Chinese)
  • Chinese recipes – check out these delicious Chinese recipes for people undergoing cancer treatment. 看看这些为接受癌症治疗的人准备的美味中国食谱。
  • eviQ – learn about chemotherapy and chemotherapy safety at home in Simplified and Traditional Chinese. 用简体中文和繁体中文了解在家化疗和化疗安全性。
  • Guides to Best Cancer Care – simple guides provide an overview of what to expect during your cancer care (Download in Simplified Chinese). 简单指南概述了癌症护理期间的预期内容(简体中文下载)。
  • Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia – prostate cancer resources you can trust in Simplified and Traditional Chinese. 您可以信赖的简体中文和繁体中文前列腺癌资源。

International (recommended treatments may vary) | 国际(推荐疗法可能有所不同)

  • American Cancer Society – information on screening, prevention, treatments, living with cancer, side effects, and more. 有关筛查、预防、治疗、癌症生活、副作用等的信息。
  • Hong Kong Cancer Fund – a wide range of cancer-related information in Chinese. 广泛的癌症相关中文信息。
  • Macmillan UK (Traditional Chinese, Cantonese) – 一系列主題,包括體徵、診斷、癌症類型、治療、癌症生活和生命終結.