Community involvement in research

You can help make a difference to cancer research by representing the needs and issues of people affected by cancer. This helps researchers keep in touch with what matters to people affected by cancers and helps us decide which research we should fund.

How can you get started?

1. Register your details

Click on the register button and complete a short form to let us know you’re interested in attending the training.

2. Complete brief training

Complete 2 hours of online training whenever suits you, followed by the half-day face-to-face workshop.

3. Participate in research

You will be eligible to be invited to work with a research team based on your interests and experience. Participation is entirely voluntary.


How it helps

Involving community members in research ensures the research we fund is relevant to our community and meets their needs.

You can help by using your own experience to assist a research team, or representing your community’s needs to help us make research funding decisions.

Community members of diverse backgrounds all help to make sure the research we’re funding addresses real-world needs.

Learn more:

How do researchers involve the community in their work?

Upcoming training

The training courses are free to attend.

Please note that places are limited.

Consumers in Research online training

When: Online training modules can be completed at any time
Where: Register online
Duration: Approx. 2 hours

A series of four short modules designed to inform and prepare you to be involved in health and medical research which can be completed at any time. This online training is a prerequisite for the Consumers in Research workshop.

Consumers in Research workshop

When: 20 September 2024
Where: Online
Time: 10am to 12:30pm
Registration: Submit an Expression of Interest*
Prerequisite: Participants must complete the Consumers in Research online training (see above) before attending this workshop.

This interactive workshop complements the online training modules and gives participants an opportunity to hear from experienced consumers and researchers. At the end of the course, participants will be prepared to work with researchers as community advisors.

*If you have previously submitted an Expression of Interest form, please send us an email to confirm your interest in attending the online workshop.

Learn more:

How does the cancer community guide our research funding?

Interview: Ever wanted to be involved with cancer research? Get a first-hand account of what the training involves and what it’s like to be a consumer in research in our interview with one of our most recent graduates

Who can participate?

Anyone can participate. The term ‘consumer’ includes anyone who has been affected by cancer and members of the public who have no experience with cancer. You don’t need a scientific or medical background, but you will have an interest in research and a willingness to learn some basic scientific terms.

Meet past participants

Participate in research

Jane Bennett

“I think it’s important to engage consumers in research as they provide a unique perspective.”  Jane’s story

Participate in research

Phil Burge

“My wish is that Cancer Council NSW can one day achieve its aim of beating cancer and that one day, all types of cancer can be easily treated in every community.”
Phil’s story

Participate in research

Shirley Baxter

“(Cancer Council NSW) ensures that projects get reviewed both based on their scientific merit and according to their relevance to the community.”  Shirley’s story

Participate in research

Jan Mumford

“Cancer Council NSW supports cancer research, and importantly, they involve the community in the research process.”  Jan’s story

Participate in research

Tony Maxwell

“Having the chance to give to my opinion on which cancer research projects get funded is important to me. I come from a scientific background too, so I also find it all really interesting”Tony’s story