Project Grant applications

Applications for Cancer Council NSW and Cancer Council SA funding are aligned with the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Ideas Grants submission and review processes.

Cancer Council NSW

Cancer Council NSW Project Grants are:

  • open to research projects on any aspect of cancer, including its causes, mechanisms, prevention, treatment and care, and the organisation and performance of cancer control services
  • awarded for up to three years
  • valued up to $450,000 over three years
  • open to all Australian cancer researchers.

Researchers wishing to apply for Cancer Council NSW Project Grants must complete:

  1. NHMRC Ideas Grant application. In the Sapphire application, please select ‘Cancer Council’ as a funding option
  2. Supplementary Questions via our online grant submission form, and
  3. Consumer Review form. Please upload when prompted as part of the online grant submission form. 


Read about consumer involvement in research and where to find a qualified consumer

For any enquiries, please email

Cancer Council SA

Project Grants funded through the Cancer Council SA Research Program are open only to cancer researchers based in South Australia.

The Cancer Council SA Research Program accepts applications that are:

  • based on any aspect of cancer, including its causes, mechanisms, prevention, treatment and care, and the organisation and performance of cancer control services
  • 1 year in duration
  • have an adjusted 12-month timeline and budget up to a value of $100,000
  • based in South Australia.

Researchers wishing to apply to the Cancer Council SA Research Program must complete:

  • NHMRC Ideas Grant application. In the Sapphire application, applicants to select ‘Cancer Council’ as a funding option
  • Supplementary Questions via the online grant submission form.

Questions relating to the Cancer Council SA Research Program funding requirements can be directed to

Key dates and deadlines

20 March 2024NHMRC Ideas Grant / Cancer Council NSW Project Grants / Cancer Council SA Beat Cancer Project open
17 Apr 2024Minimum data due for NHMRC Ideas Grant via Sapphire
15 May 2024Closing date for NHMRC Ideas Grant applications via Sapphire
29 May 2024, 5pm AESTClosing date for submission of Supplementary Questions and Consumer Review responses via Cancer Council NSW online grant submission form

Cancer Council NSW online grant submission form