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How to leave a gift in your will
If you’re considering leaving a gift to the Cancer Council in your will, we would love to talk to you, discuss some of the options available and hear about the areas of our work you would like to support.
To get in touch us, please call us on 02 9334 1479, or you can fill out our contact form.

For us, and our family, it’s the right thing to do. I’m not a wealthy person, but my money can still help.- Tony, Cancer Council NSW volunteer
Three simple steps to leaving a gift
Click on each step below to read more.
Your will is an important document that must be properly prepared and executed. A bit of preparation will save you time, money and help you decide if you need to use a solicitor or if you can do it yourself.
Some people draft their own wills using kits online such as SafeWill or bought from a newsagency or post office, we strongly suggest that you talk to an expert and a solicitor who can help you draft a will.
There are certain requirements for a will to be valid and using a solicitor will make sure you get it right. Solicitors charge different amounts to draft wills. Don’t be shy – shop around to make sure you get the best deal. You can search for Solicitors in your area via the Law Society NSW website.
Download the PDFs below to prepare how you would like your will to be structured. It also includes some important questions to ask your solicitor and the correct wording to include a gift to Cancer Council NSW.
- Gifts in Wills impact (2 MB)
- Information for your solicitor and wording of will (140 kB)
- Getting your affairs in order (72 kB)
Updating a will
If you already have a will, the most cost effective way to include a bequest to Cancer Council NSW is by adding a codicil – a short legal amendment to your will. Check with your solicitor if a codicil is appropriate for the updates you wish to make.
It is important to remember:
- Notify family and loved ones that you are updating your will – communication will ensure your final wishes are carried out.
- Include the correct wording to make sure your gift is received and used as you intended.
What wording should I use?
Please make sure you include the correct wording below.
‘I (insert name here) bequeath to The Cancer Council NSW ABN 51 116 463 846 for its general purposes (or name a specific purpose, such as research, patient and support care services, cancer prevention programs – please call us to discuss 02 9334-1479)
[Choose and insert the appropriate statement from the list below]
- the whole of my estate
- (insert number) percentage of my estate
- the residue of my estate
- the amount of $ (insert the value of your gift in cash)
- my (insert name of asset)
- free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s).’
Leaving a gift in your will is truly amazing and can have a significant impact towards a cancer-free future. From inspiring new treatments and ways to prevent cancer, to research breakthroughs that will help people live longer and better – all the way to a cancer free future . This is the most powerful gift you can ever give.
Anyone can leave a gift in their will and of course, you should provide for any dependents and family first. Even a small percentage of your estate could help change the future. Leaving even 1%, of your estate after all your other choices have been made, will make a life-changing difference.
But please know that your generosity will go directly to funding research, preventing cancer and supporting people affected by cancer. There are several different ways to leave a gift in your will, but should you have a complicated estate or wish to specify the use of your gift please request a call back by filling out the form below.
ResidualCater for loved ones exactly as you wish & give Cancer Council NSW the most possible help |
PercentageAllows your gift to maximise as your estate matures |
EstateSpecify an exact amount from your estate |
AssetsAny items that you own – property, cars, shares, jewellery |
The decision to leave a gift in your will is a very personal one.
Notifying us of your gift gives us the opportunity to thank you of this great generosity in your lifetime and also allows us to keep you up to date with the impact that gifts, just like yours, are making to help in achieving our vision of a cancer free future.
Any information that you choose to share with us regarding your will is completely confidential. We also recommend that you tell your loved ones of your wishes.
Please let us know if you choose to leave a gift to Cancer Council NSW in your will, so we can invite you to become a member of our Daffodil Circle, an acknowledgement of your generous decision.
The Daffodil Circle is a way for us to connect with you and thank you for your contribution. As part of the Daffodil Circle, along we others just like you who have made the generous decision to leave a gift in your will, you’ll receive exclusive invitations to listen to talks with some of the country’s leading experts on cancer, and information on how your bequests may be invested. You’ll also have direct access to our Gifts in Wills Team to answer your questions along the way.
Contact us
Leaving a gift in your will is a very personal decision.
If you’d like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Complete the form below or contact our team directly (02) 9334 1479 or giftsinwills@nswcc.org.au.

Gift in Wills Manager

Gift in Wills Specialist